Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women worldwide

More than 200 million women

are examined each year around the globe.

for Mammograms

Mammography has been the frontline screening tool for breast cancer for decades. We’ve developed RADIFY® for mammograms as a clinical decision support tool for radiologists when screening for breast cancer.

AI can assist Radiologists improve the accuracy and reading
of screening Mammography.

Envisionit Deep AI® is committed to improving early breast cancer detection.

Breast Cancer is the leading cause of cancer among women, worldwide, and in lower-resourced countries the death rate more than doubles.

The use of artificial intelligence can be applied to digital mammography to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the radiologist. Our AI platform RADIFY® is designed to identify regions suspicious for breast cancer on 2 dimensional mammograms, to assess their likelihood of malignancy.

Mammography relies on a specialist radiologist for interpretation.

Less than 1 radiologist

per 100 000 people

in Africa 

10 radiologists

per 100 000 people

in Europe 

RADIFY® – use case 1.
Screening mammogram of a 53 year old female. Left MLO view demonstrating two benign lesions detected by RADIFY® in the left mid and outer regions. Ultrasound confirmed benign mass and classified as BIRADS 3.
RADIFY® – use case 2.
Screening mammogram of a 47 year old female. Left breast MLO view demonstrating two lesions detected by RADIFY®. One benign lesion and a second mass with malignant features confirmed on ultrasound and biopsy.
How we can help Radiologists:
With the concurrent use of RADIFY® for mammography, we can improve the accuracy and effectiveness of detecting breast cancer.
  • Highlights regions of interest which can be compared on follow–up studies
  • Use to prioritise scans during case overload
  • Reducing turn-around -time will increase the number of patients served
  • Use as a triage system to identify patients most need of urgent care

Let us call you back.

RADIFY for Mammograms

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